Cutting-edge Control for Chilli Black Thrips

Cutting-edge Control for Chilli Black Thrips

Chilli Thrips and Leaf Curl Virus have been posing significant challenges for farmers, causing economic damage. In my view, it's time to address this issue in a more sustainable way.
                        chilli black thrips and virus control              BLACK THRIPS CONTROL             

Farmers have resorted to multiple weekly sprays, driving up input costs, and still struggling to control these pests. But last year, we embarked on a journey to find an alternative.
We conducted trials with biopesticides like Beauveria bassiana and Verticillium lecani, using virulent strains for both topical application and drenching. The results were promising, showing that biopesticides can be effective alternatives to traditional chemical solutions.

We didn't stop there. We also experimented with a combination of Beauveria Bassiana and Verticillium along with some biofertilizers. The outcome was nothing short of extraordinary, offering an environmentally friendly and cost-effective way to combat these issues and apart from biologicals some secondary metabolite product Agrokill working very excellent towards the sucking pest especially thrips and black thrips. 

I believe it's time for an open discussion. Farmers, researchers, and experts, let's share our insights and experiences. Together, we can find innovative solutions to alleviate the burden on our farmers while promoting sustainability in agriculture.

Please feel free to share your thoughts and insights in the comments. Together, we can make a difference! 🌾💬

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