little millet



Little millet, a powerhouse of nutrition, can be affected by various diseases that reduce yield.

Little Millet

Here's a guide to common diseases and their management strategies, along with images for easier identification:

Blast (Pyricularia setariae):

Symptoms: Look for greyish-white lesions on leaves and the uppermost internode (neck) of the plant. These lesions can be elongated and sometimes merge .


Use resistant varieties whenever possible.

Practice crop rotation with non-grass crops to break the disease cycle.

Apply fungicides like propiconazole or tricyclazole as a preventive measure following local recommendations.

Avoid excessive nitrogen application, as it can worsen blast.

Rust (Uromyces linearis):

Symptoms: This disease causes brownish-red pustules to appear on leaves, typically arranged in lines .



Sow disease-resistant varieties if available.

Eradicate alternate weed hosts like wild oats that can harbor the rust fungus.

If necessary, apply sulfur-based fungicides according to local guidelines.

Smut (Ustilago crameri and Ustilago paradoxa): 


Infected panicles (flower heads) will be filled with whitish, powdery masses instead of developing grains .



Use disease-free seeds for planting.

Seed treatment with fungicides like Carbendazim can be effective in preventing smut. 

Destroy smutted plants to prevent the spread of spores.

Downy Mildew (Sclerospora graminicola):

Symptoms: Downy mildew causes stunted growth, distorted leaves with yellowing, and a greenish discoloration in the flower head .


Plant disease-resistant varieties.

Practice crop rotation with non-grass crops to disrupt the disease cycle.

If outbreaks occur, spray fungicides like copper oxychloride or metalaxyl following local regulations.


Leaf Spot or Blight (Helminthosporium nodulosum):


Brownish spots appear on leaves, eventually enlarging and merging. This can cause wilting and drying of leaves . 


Maintain balanced fertilization, avoiding excessive nitrogen application.

Practice crop rotation with non-grass crops to reduce disease buildup. 

If necessary, spray fungicides like Mancozeb or Carbendazim as per local recommendations.


General Tips for Disease Prevention:

Maintain good field sanitation by removing plant debris after harvest.

Ensure proper drainage to avoid waterlogging in the field.

Practice balanced fertilization for optimal plant health.

Regularly monitor your little millet crop for signs of disease.

Remember: Always consult your local agricultural extension service or a qualified agronomist for the most up-to-date recommendations for your region. They can advise on the best disease management strategies based on prevalent diseases and regulations on fungicide use in your area.


Effective disease management in little millet is crucial for ensuring healthy crop production and maximizing yields. By adopting a combination of preventive measures, such as crop rotation, resistant varieties, and proper field sanitation, along with timely identification and treatment of diseases, farmers can significantly reduce the impact of pathogens on their crops. Integrated pest management (IPM) practices further enhance the resilience of little millet against diseases. At Khethari Agri Tech Private Limited, we are committed to providing farmers with the latest research, high-quality inputs, and expert guidance to support sustainable and productive millet farming. Embrace these strategies to keep your little millet crops healthy and thriving, securing a better harvest season after season.

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