Pest Management in Ginger

Pest Management in Ginger


Ginger is one of the most popular spices in the world and comes from the underground stem of the ginger plant. The aromatic and fiery spice has been a signature ingredient in Asian cuisine since ancient times. Today, it is frequently used in medicines, food, and cosmetics across the globe.

pest management in ginger

Common Pest of Ginger

White Grub or Khumlay : Holotrichia spp
Nature of Damage :

It is a sporadic pest, sometimes causes serious
The grub feeds on the roots and newly formed
The infestation is generally more during August-September.

white grub in ginger
Management :
The adult beetles, after emergence from pupae settle on the Ficus

or other trees in congregation which can be collected and destroyed.

The entomophagous fungus Metarrhizium anisophilae can be mixed with fine cow dung and then applied in the field to control the grubs.

In endemic areas opt for soil application of neem cake @ 40 kg/ha before sowing

Metarrhizium anisophilae

Shoot borer: Conogethes punctiferalis

Nature of Damage: The larvae bore the tender pseudostem and reached the central portion by feeding on the internal tissues, thus resulting in yellowing and drying of shoots. Infestation may occur from June to October.

shoot borer
ManagementSpray Nimbicidine (2-5ml/l) or Beauveria bassiana@ 2-5ml/l.

Shoot boring weevil: Prodioctes haematicus

Nature of damage :
The grubs bore into the pseudostem and caused dead hearts.

Shoot boring weevil

Management: Remove alternate host plants such as wild turmeric The congregating adult beetles can be collected and destroyed.

Conclusion :

There some pest of ginger like white grub, shoot borer, shoot boring weevil. We can control them by using IPM like cultural, mechanical, biological, chemical method.

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