
Pest Management in Ber

Introduction :

Ber or Indian jujube (Ziziphus mauritiana) is one of the hardy minor fruit crops suitable for cultivation in arid conditions. It is native to India. The main objective of this report is to present a one acre bankable model for high quality commercial cultivation of the crop.

Ber plant

Common pest in Ber :

Ber fruit borer

S.N. :Meridarchis scyrodes

Nature of damage

The Caterpillar enters the fruit by puncturing a hole in rind and feeds on pulp. 

Infested fruit drop down.

Giving fermented and emit disagreeable odor.

Ber Fruit Borer

Management :

Application 3 spray of any one insecticide of 0.2% carbaryl 50 WP OR 0.01% Decamethrin 2.8 EC OR 0.025% Diaflubenzuron OR 0.01% Fenvalerate 20 EC OR 2% extract of karanj

First spray 30days after fruit formation and other two at 15 days interval

Pheromone Traps

pheromone traps

Ber fruit fly

S.N. : Carpomyia vesuviana

Nature Of Damage

Maggot feed on fleshy and juicy pulp.

The infested fruits turns dark brown.

Fruit Rotting.

Offensive smell

Ber fruit fly

Management :

Removal and destruction of infested fruit. ► Application of spray bait. (20 ml malathion + 200gm jaggary + 20 lit water).

Spraying with 0.2% carbaryl.

Yellow Sticky Traps

Yellow Sticky Traps


We can control ber pest by using different IPM method like cultural, biological, mechanical, chemical etc.


What is Nature of damage of fruit fly?

Fruit fly's Maggot feed on fleshy and juicy pulp.The infested fruits turns dark brown.

How can we control ber fruit borer by using chemical method ?

By applying 3 spray of any one insecticide of 0.2% carbaryl 50 WP OR 0.01% Decamethrin 2.8 EC OR 0.025% Diaflubenzuron OR 0.01% Fenvalerate 20 EC OR 2% extract of karanj.

How fruit borer damage the ber plant?

Fruit borers Caterpillar enters the fruit by puncturing a hole in rind and feeds on pulp And Infested fruit drop down.

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