Dantotsu Insecticide is broad spectrum Insecticide. It is easily absorbed through roots and has a good translaminar action. Compatible with most of the chemicals.
Technical Content
Clothianidin 50% WDG
Target Crops: Rice, Cotton, Sugarcane, Tea
Crops and Pests
Rice - BPH
Cotton- Jassids, Aphids, Whitefly, Thrips
Sugarcane - Termite
Tea - Mosquito Bug
Dantotsu Insecticide Mode Of Application
Spray, Soil drenching (Sugarcane and Cotton)
Dosage:Spray- 8-16 gm/acre.
Drenching- 80-100 gm/acre
Duration of effect:15 Days
Frequency of application:Depends on pest incidence.